+ 33(0) 148 048 608
Installation of habitat - Art of living in harmony www.fengshui-attitude.com |
Transports and subways of Paris http://www.ratp.fr |
Le guide of the restaurants in Paris www.lesrestos.com |
Trains/TGV http://www.sncf.com |
Routes, plans, localization www.mappy.com |
Airport of Paris http://www.adp.fr |
The Museum of Orsay http://www.musee-orsay.fr |
The Castle of Versailles http://www.chateauversailles.fr |
Videomuseum http://www.videomuseum.fr |
The City of the Music http://www.cite-musique.fr |
Contemporary art in Paris http://www.paris-art.com |
The city of Sciences and Industry http://www.cite-science.fr |
The national museums http://www.rmn.fr |
The Center Georges Pompidou http://www.centrepompidou.fr |
Town Hall of Paris http://www.paris.fr |
Picasso Administration http://www.picasso.fr |
Spectacles http://www.pariscope.fr |
Opéra http://www.opera-de-paris.fr |
Disneyland http://disneylandparis.com/fr |
Spectacles http://www.timeout.com |
Théâtre online http://www.theatreonline.com | Figaro scope http://www.figaroscope.fr |